Thursday 8 April 2010

Welcome Home

A couple of months ago, while I was in Australia, I got some really devastating news that my folks had to sell our family home in South Africa. This is the home where I used to jump off our rockery into our pool on lazy saturday afternoons, the home where I put my childhood art up on the fridge, the home where I discovered saying a bad word would result in a thrashing from dad, the home where we spent sunday after sunday eating moms home cooked meals under our big old tree in the back yard...this was my home that held so many amazing, and not so amazing memories...but memories all the same...this home was a part of me, and to let it go...would be much like loosing a part of myself.

When I think about home, I think of 42 Princess Alice Avenue, in the heart of Durban - the city of diversity. This home is tangible for me right now, I can sit here in Cambodia and literally be back there in a second flat...I can close my eyes and walk up and down the upstairs landing...I can smell the wooden floor boards, and the delicate scent of the flowers that bloomed in spring time, its real to me, because I lived in it every day!

The way I saw my family home, is the way I want to see the Kingdom...I want to be able to close my eyes and be there...I want to imagine the smells, and what it will feel like to walk next to Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem. I want to know what it will be like, I want to see it, I want it to be tangible, I want the Kingdom to be home. I want to be a part of Gods big, broad, funny family...and I want to live it

So my question today is this...
How do we live the Kingdom that we can live the Kingdom tomorrow?

And what is required of us? How do we live the Kingdom today?
Scripture tells us, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8

But what does it really mean to act justly? and to love mercy? and to walk humbly with God?

When I think about it, it has to start with Jesus.

"Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5).

The more I read the bible and study it, the more im starting to see why God sent Jesus to us, and the beauty in His life and the way He lived His life here on earth. Ive always know that God sent Jesus to be an example for us to live our lives by, but I think that concept is only just beginning to take form in my mind. I think that we have to not only want to BE like Jesus, but that we need to want to LIVE like he did.

The more I think about it, the more I see how Jesus was not concerned with himself, he was not self why should we be? I feel like were all far too concerned with what we want and what we 'deserve'...and I think we need a wake up call!! We need to realise why we are hear, and that the reason God put us on this earth all together like a big jar of jelly beans, is because, as I see it, were supposed to be a support to one another. A help to one another. The way I see it, is its not about you...and its not about me...its about EVERYONE ELSE!

Its not about one person winning the race...its about frantically grabbing someone else's hand and trying to make sure THEY finish the race. Jesus came as a servant to the people, and we must be a servant to one another. Brother, sister, let me serve you, let me be as Christ to you. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." - Mark 10:45. "He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave. He humbled Himself by being obedient, even to death." - Philippians 2:7-8.

So how do we take on this massive challenge God has set before us to become servants to one another? It says in John 13: 1 - 20 that Jesus "began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel". In order to fulfill the mission of spreading the gospel, the disciples would need to learn to serve. Pride and arrogance would compromise the disciples' relationship with God, with each other, and with the people they were trying to save. Humility and service to others is the evidence of love.

It's an important and great lesson for us! We can draw so much inspiration from this simple act of servanthood that Christ performed. People always seem to line up to do the tasks that are considered important, glamorous, or respected. But Jesus showed humility by doing the task that no one wanted to do. He washed his disciples' feet - a dirty job usually performed by the lowest ranking person in the room. Was Jesus the lowest ranking person? No. He was Lord, Teacher and Servant. He knew he would soon be at Gods right hand in heaven. Did he think it was too lowly a task for him to do? No. Are there tasks that we don't want to do because they are considered 'lowly'? Because they are dirty? Because they are 'uncool' or hard? And aren't those the jobs that most need to be done? And won't God reward those who do His work? We need to be willing to do whatever is needed. Jesus was not only willing, but he prepared himself to do this service. Have we made plans to serve others? I think if we can begin to live our lives like this, like Jesus did, we will be a step closer to living the Kingdom today.

Another thing I think is important to notice about Jesus is that He lead by example. What a beautiful way to influence others! No one I know ever managed to influence someone just by words alone. Jesus is the perfect example to live our lives by. Jesus set the standard by which all future leadership is to be assessed. He was the natural leader. He did not have to raise His voice to be heard. He didn't need to strike the synagogue pulpit to be heard. When He entered the room, a hush fell over the people. He was a born leader. He lead by taking action.

Jesus led by the quality of His life.

He led a life of depth and compassion. When his friend Lazarus was declared dead, the Scriptures tell us that this strong leader, Jesus, wept for His friend (John 11:35). WOW!! Jesus wept! Jesus also felt raw emotion like we awesome! And when the sister of Lazarus was under pressure from Martha, Jesus came to her defense (Luke 10:42). So we can see that leadership without compassion is arid and sterile. Jesus, a strong, bold leader, revealed a sensitivity and compassion that enhanced and balanced His strength of character and leadership. Jesus sets the example for leadership and He calls us to follow.

We need to draw from the example of Christ, to see how we can live the Kingdom today. After all, Christ lived the Kingdom in His time, and by His example, we can live it today.

I think the more we get to know Jesus, the more vivid our vision of the Kingdom becomes. I think we start to taste it, smell it, see it, feel it, and once we get to that point, where we know Jesus so well that we know what its like to walk in His shoes, and walk beside Him, we can close our eyes and be right there with Him, we can begin to feel the intoxicating excitement that comes with living an eternity with our friend, servant and Lord...Jesus!

So what do we need to do? We need to live simple, humble lives. Live lives with fearlessness and reckless abandon, forgiveness, grace and mercy. Swim upstream when every natural inclination in us, is to let the current just effortlessly carry us. Lets eat on the sabbath and share a meal with a beggar instead of a person of 'worth and privilege', lets live outside of the box, live boldly & bravely, live with passion and sincerity, with love and compassion. Lets rebel against the norm. Lets live like Jesus did. Then we will be living the Kingdom today, so that we can live the Kingdom tomorrow. For eternity!

Welcome home indeed! :)

2 Cor 6:2 - "Behold now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation."

Any other ideas or examples by Jesus of how we can live the Kingdom today?

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